Sunday, April 17, 2011

Benefits Of A Good Nights Sleep

Those who have trouble sleeping understands how difficult it can be to function with no proper amount of sleep. Besides avoiding the next-day grogginess, there are several benefits of a superb night's sleep.

Reduce Stress

Whenever you do not sleep enough, one's body becomes stressed. When this happens it increases the overall stress level of the individual encountering insomnia.

It is sort of a catch 22. One of the remedies for insomnia is reducing stress yet one of the problems connected with insomnia is an rise in stress.

Speak to your doctor about methods to reduce stress so that you again get all the advantages of a great night's sleep.

Lose Weight

There are many actions that promise to help you shed extra pounds. Could it be correct that spending more time in dreamland could actually enable you to shed some additional pounds? Yes! Studies show a link between weight gain and insomnia.

If you achieve between seven and nine hours of sleep each night, it can be one component that helps you lose weight.

Heart Health

You'll find studies that show a link between insomnia and high blood pressure. High blood pressure is one of the factors that increase the risk for heart disease.

Also, as pointed out above, those suffering from insomnia will also be at a greater risk of being overweight which can be another coronary disease risk factor.

More Productive

Among the most obvious and immediate benefits of a great night's sleep is that you are much more likely to be productive the following day. Even one night in which you don't get enough sleep can impact your productivity and ability to concentrate.

Also, you cannot make up for several night's lack of sleep by looking to cram in extra sleep the day before a big event for which you need to be well rested.

To become the most productive, you must sleep between seven and nine hours every night.

General Health

There have been many studies that link insomnia to a variety of medical ailments. Although not all the studies were conclusive, one thing is for certain: The advantages of an excellent night's sleep are many. It is better for your physical health and your emotional well-being to discover the appropriate amount of sleep every night.

If you are having difficulty sleeping, you ought to speak to your doctor about possible remedies. The suggested remedy might be a simple change your lifestyle, stress reduction or, in some instances, prescription sleep aids.

The many benefits of a good night's sleep are numerous enough that you need to make battling insomnia one of the top priorities. To find cures for insomnia check out my website at

1 comment:

  1. Some of the things that happen to the body when it doesn't get enough sleep include irritability and crabbiness, as well being more prone to accidents, and slow thinking. It also weakens our immune system and gives us hallucinations from time to time.
